oh jeff
Haha, TALKY is right. Draconious is adorable and I think you failed to make me dislike him. I love him and his little flesh wings.
Anyway it looks like we're head to head yet again GET READY
oh jeff
Haha, TALKY is right. Draconious is adorable and I think you failed to make me dislike him. I love him and his little flesh wings.
Anyway it looks like we're head to head yet again GET READY
Great, and not a passive little summary
Ok, you're redeemed. This was no slideshow. Unlike the previous episode, this had everything necessary for a good conclusion to some pretty great storytelling up to this point.
I like what you've done with a progressive evolution of two characters, and more. Somehow I loved what you did with the street thug rabbits. Very human of them, and relateable.
Ahh what's the point, you're busy reading 20923590236590 other reviews right now. I liked it, solid animating, nice conclusion despite the SPOILER happy ending. And a great tie-back to the first episode.
Nice Practice Demo
Hai luis.
Animation's getting a lot smoother, my friend. Definite improvement over time and up to this point, so I'm impressed.
Though someone's gotta get you a better mic :D It makes the Swain sad when great conceptual setups are undercut by lines that you can only half hear. Use that Halloween contest cash and get a kickass mic, and I SWEAR you won't be disappointed.
Oh yeah, and congrats on that second place!
Thanks for the review, man! And as for the microphone situation, it appears the problem is not mainly my microphone, but more about where i am recording apparently... If you have any suggestions on decent mics or how to fix this, please PM me!
That's glorious - I almost completely forgot that Blockhead's 'birthday', aka first submission to the portal, is 2 days from now :O Seems you know all our characters better than we the creators do :D
In fact, that's what I liked the most about this. Aside from Pico (who seemed more like he was just along for the ride), you really played off the individual character personalities really well. I sorta wanted to complain that the voices sounded like they could have used more emphasis by speaking louder into the microphone, but I tend to forget that not everyone has super duper microphones, and loudness can crap up the quality fast.
Great job! This one was recommended to me by Krinkels himself, and I'm glad he did. Happy madness day!
Thanks for the review man. I'm glad you liked it.
In regards to Pico, I based him off the flash I did for Pico day this year. Tis a bit self indulgent but meh...whores will have their trinkets.
Love your flashes and thanks again for the review.
Dammit dude, take that animation down a notch. You're making the rest of us look bad <3
I wanna be as brave as you and manage to submit cartoons based on all sorts of subjects, rather than being confined to one or two series. There's a music video to a song I wrote years ago that I MIGHT JUST do, thanks to you.
Also, why is Dead or Alive (the 80s band, durrr) the bad side of the internet!?
Yeah, but making all of these still make me feel unproductive with the Nameless series.
It's a lose lose situation.
I shall be expecting at least 50 frames of credit to me in that music video, if you do end up making it.
Glad it's finally catching on.
It may sound strange, but your suffering is my pleasure.
I love watching movies with long, uncut camera shots, knowing it probably took them an entire day of shooting just to get the shot right, because if one person screws up then the entire shot needs to be done again...but then what you see in the film is the fruit of all that labor. Taking that as an example, actually seeing the effort that your characters and settings resonate...it's really an experience. Independent animators are constantly in competition between the benefits of time spent to increase quality versus the risk of dragging a project on too long without adding anything fundamentaly worthwhile via that effort.
But seeing effort pay off. that's where I get the most fun out of someone's work. I really do look forward to more success from you.
Swain! Thank you very much! It is truly an honor hearing from you and I'm blushing from the praise =D. I'm really glad you appreciated it, I put a lotta work into it and I'm happy it shows.
Thanx man!
Did some Blockhead. Made a lil' Mastermind. Co-created Madness: Project Nexus. I love you so much!
Age 43, Male
who said that
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 9/16/05