Uh oh.
I hate writing negative reviews, but I really do want to help by way of insight, so if you make a habit of reading your reviews then please don't take this for any more than my pesonal criticism. That having been said, here we go.
Straight to the point, I was terribly unimpressed with the humor in this submission. The main difference between this episode and the previous is that the first one was very unpredictable, while this episode was inconsistently random. I am a huge fan of unpredictability and being surprised by characters, but seriously...vortexes and jetpacks and bananas? It seems like you copied all the wrong things from the last episode and left out all of the endearing traits, and rather than leaving me wondering what would happen next, I became fearful of whatever irrelevant gag would follow.
Keep in mind, the first episode was not random. Its many traits were all very explicitly linked and felt like they belonged together. Think of it: a cartoon about mythical creatures who seek out a mythical land/object, who engage in a long quest to get there, who meet an oracle to guide them (even the dinosaur felt like it belonged for all its randomness, being that it's a fantastic beast just like Unicorns). It all felt very 'mythical', which contrasted against a disgruntled Unicorn and his peppy companions, followed by a punchline that contrasted even more heavily to the theme.
And then you made a sequel that forewent any of the incredible traits of the first and just recycled the delivery and process of the first but replaced the gags with irreverent randomness. And what's worse is that you combined the two: You actually made a "random" cartoon extremely predictable by making it exactly the same in structure as the last. As soon as the musical segment started, I immediately knew that Charlie would be duped and then something bad would happen at his expense. Randomness and predictability are horrible, horrible bedfellows.
As an aside, Charlie's voice sounded incredibly unispired this time. I don't know, it just sounded insincere and forced and noticeably lazy, whereas it was amazingly enthusiastic in the first episode. The little colored Unicorn duo were consistent with the last episode though, so unless the voice actors are different then I don't know why only Charlie suffered from a quality recess.
As for positives, the artwork changes made for the main characters were consistent with the style established in the first, and considering how long it's been since the previous episode, this is definitely a blessing. And voice acting notwithstanding, the sound quality was phenomenal.
Anyway, the reason for this kind of hefty review is that I actually like your work (the piece with the Aliens and the "Last Unicorn" was glorious). This one was just terribly uninspired I thought, though it would be unjust of me to blame you for probably following the demands that people have put on you since the first Charlie became popular. Just realize that what people want isn't always what they need.
You are much, much, much better at creating new material than recycling old work, and I sincerely look forward to your future original projects. :)